Ensuring Your Future. Guaranteed.*
Every CASNR graduate will receive at least one job offer within the first six months after graduation. We guarantee it.*
Ensuring a Future, Beyond Four Years
At CASNR, we are so confident that our graduates are prepared for employment that we guarantee it through our Ensuring Your Future program. Ensuring Your Future is a comprehensive approach to preparing CASNR graduates for their first position working in their chosen field. Ensuring Your Future is the only program of its type at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and the only one of its type among our peer institutions. CASNR does its part to get you ready for your career in three ways:
- Preparing you as a professional.
- Preparing you as a person and a leader.
- Preparing you for employment.
Now you know what we’ll do to get you ready for your career. Here’s your part:
At CASNR, we expect students to take personal responsibility for their success in terms of academics, involvement, and gaining real-world experiences prior to graduation. We know that employers are looking for high-performing employees with skills in technology, collaboration, and human relations. Ensuring Your Future provides the opportunity to acquire and sharpen those skills while you are on campus.

Academic performance is one of the first benchmarks employers consider. By focusing on course work—and working closely with your advisor—you can ensure that your education is a good match for the type of career field you want to enter.
- Meet with your assigned advisor at least once per each semester you are enrolled.
- Graduate with a cumulative 3.0 GPA.
- In consultation with your advisor, select elective courses that complement your personal or professional goals and/or declare an academic minor or certificate program prior to the deadline for submitting the application for graduation.
- Successfully complete the How to Get a Job and Life After College Digital Badges: https://casnr.unl.edu/career-classes-workshops.
- Complete the Bachelor of Science Candidacy by the end of your junior year.

Employers are looking for people with skills in teamwork, collaboration and leadership. CASNR offers plenty of opportunities in this regard, and you are bound to find a number of options that will interest you—and potential employers.
- Participate in at least one student organization (or student governance committee).
- Become a student member of a professional society or organization related to your degree program or professional interests.
- Participate in academic and service honoraries when invited. These include groups such as Alpha Zeta, Sigma Alpha, Mortar Board, Innocents and others.

Real-world experience in your chosen field can separate your resumé from others when employers are determining whom to interview. At CASNR, you can gain valuable experience and insight—and learn how to effectively communicate it to a potential employer.
- Complete at least one internship in your professional field.
- Complete at least one additional career experience with or without credit.
- Subscribe to Handshake through Career Services while in college — and maintain current information on file.
- Maintain a resumé file beginning with first semester—and prepare a new resumé annually. Review it with the CASNR Career Specialist annually.
- Complete a minimum of three interviews through Career Services — at least two in the semester before your graduate.
- Attend a minimum of four CASNR Career Days.
- Identify three references (academic advisor, club advisor, employer, etc.) by the end of your junior year.
- Create a LinkedIn profile and connect to a professional organization.
*Our Guarantee.
The College guarantees that any CASNR graduate who completes the Ensuring Your Future program and actively seeks employment will receive at least one job offer relevant to his or her academic program within the first six months after graduation. If you do not receive at least one employment offer, the College will pay for any course that is documented by an employer who interviewed you and found your degree program lacking critical elements. Career Services will administer an active resumé referral service, post job openings, provide help with resumé preparation, and prepare you for interviews with employers who are recruiting UNL students.