Internship Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the student, faculty coordinator, and site supervisor should be clearly outlined on the internship contract.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Begin the process by scheduling a meeting with their academic advisor to discuss the types of experiences that may qualify for an internship, if academic credit is needed for the internship, and how it may apply towards the degree.
  • Identify, apply for, and secure an internship.  Schedule an appointment with a member of the CASNR Career Center team for assistance.
  • Work with the internship site supervisor and faculty internship coordinator in their department to develop learning objectives and a plan to achieve them, including how many clock hours need to be worked for each credit hour enrolled.
  • Submit an internship contract to the departmental internship coordinator.
  • Enroll in the appropriate internship course, if applicable, and pay all associated tuition and fees.  Obtain a permission code from the advisor or internship coordinator, if needed.
  • Complete the minimum number of work hours needed for each credit hour enrolled.
  • Provide transportation to and from the work site. 
  • Learn the responsibilities, goals and expectations of the internship role and perform them to the best of their ability. 
  • Adhere to the established work schedule, dress code, and organization policies, procedures and standards of conduct.  If you are unable to adhere to the work schedule as planned due to illness, etc., be sure to notify the site supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Communicate questions and concerns about the internship role and/or the organization to the site supervisor in a timely manner. 
  • Respond to e-mails from your faculty coordinator and site supervisor within one business day.
  • Represent UNL with a positive attitude and strong work ethic. 
  • Adhere to the UNL Student Code of Conduct
  • Report any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct at the internship site to the site supervisor, faculty coordinator, Julie Obermeyer, CASNR's Director of Career Development and Corporate Relations, and/or UNL's Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible. 
  • Submit all assignments by the deadline established by the faculty coordinator. 
  • Provide an objective evaluation of the internship, if required by the faculty coordinator.

Faculty Coordinator Responsibilities:

  • Assist students in developing learning objectives appropriate for the student’s career goals and internship responsibilities and a plan to meet the objectives.
  • Help the student prepare for the internship by assigning pre-readings (if applicable). 
  • Determine how the student’s learning will be assessed (journal, final paper, presentation, project, etc.) and provide the student with a rubric that will be used for grading. 
  • Maintain regularly scheduled contact with the student to help them reflect on their experience before, during, and after the internship. 
  • Grade assignments and assign a final grade in a timely manner. 
  • Report any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct to Julie Obermeyer, CASNR's Director of Career Development and Corporate Relations and UNL's Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible.

Site Supervisor Responsibilities: 

  • Deliver an orientation and training to the student on the organization and responsibilities of the internship.  Training should include information on issues such as attendance requirements, travel, confidentiality, safety, working with youth (if applicable), harassment and discrimination policies and procedures, and any legal issues of which the student should be aware. 
  • Assist in the completion of the internship contract by offering suggestions on the student learning objectives in light of the intern's role and responsibilities.  
  • Provide a dedicated workspace, as well as all equipment and supplies necessary to perform the responsibilities of the internship.
  • Confirm the work schedule and number of hours to be worked by the student. 
  • Assign challenging tasks and projects that will promote achievement of the student’s learning objectives.
  • Offer guidance and constructive feedback to the student regarding the quality of their work. 
  • Maintain a safe and respectful working and learning environment for the student. 
  • Providing an objective evaluation of the student’s performance to the faculty coordinator at the end of the experience, if requested.