
CASNR Experiential Learning


Group photo of the CASNR Student Advisory Board

Leadership is one of the top competencies needed to demonstrate career readiness.  In a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, almost 60% of employers rated leadership as either very important or extremely important for college graduates to have to enter the workforce (Job Outlook 2022).  CASNR has a multitude of leadership opportunities waiting for you!

Lead Through Student and Professional Organizations

Get Involved!

Being a leader isn’t just for club officers.  Volunteering to help on committees and with events are also great ways to develop leadership skills.  Check out the many CASNR student organizations available to help you develop valuable leadership skills or join a judging team!

Dominic Sander - Treasurer, Unified Special Olympics College Club

Dominic's Story
Student holding a sign that states "I'm a Husker and I'm getting everyone into the game".

Isabella Villanueva - Student Organization Member, Ambassador, and Change Maker!

Bella's Story
Isabella Villanueva smiles for a photo surrounded by flowers on East Campus.

Jenalee Wimer - President, UNL Student Veterans of America

Jenna's Story
Members of UNL's Student Veterans of America discussing plans for a ruck march.

Lead as a Peer Mentor, Ambassador and More!

Lead as a UNL Student Employee

Find Opportunities

Search for on-campus jobs in Handshake, UNL’s online job search portal.

It takes a multitude of student employees to help run a large, complex educational institution such as UNL.  There are numerous opportunities to work on campus assisting fellow students, faculty and staff in the operations of the university.  A few opportunities include: 

  • Animal Care 
  • Landscape Services 
  • Campus Host/Tour Guide 
  • Dining Services 
  • Office Operations 
  • Resident Assistant 
  • Tutors are employed by numerous departments including the Center for Academic Success and Transitions, Math Resource Center, Chemistry Resource Center, Physics Resource Center, Writing Center, Language Lab, Military & Veteran Success Center, OASIS, TRiO, and Athletics  
  • And much more!


McKenna Carr

“My confidence in my decision making in agriculture has come from this department”

Student worker guides calves in the Animal Science Complex.

Animal Science Department Residential Student Workers

McKenna, Sarah and Breanna's Story
3 students eating at a kitchen table in the apartment in the Animal Science Complex

Breanna Gilmore

“You learn to really lean into each other’s strengths. They know what you’re good at, where you need help and where you can help others.”

Breanna Gilmore directs sheep and goats to an outside corral next to the Animal Science Complex