We're glad you're here! To help you navigate both CASNR and the University of Nebraska, we've pulled together several links and resources on this page. Take some time to explore. If you can't find what you're looking for let us know! We'll add it.
CASNR features 30 programs of study and one pre-professional program, including but not limited to, animal science, food science and technology, fisheries and wildlife, agribusiness, pre-veterinary medicine, forensic science, and PGA golf management.
Success Tip!
Academic Planning
Create an academic plan to include classes, involvement (including civic, club and professional), volunteering, internships, work and career experience, and education abroad opportunities.
Individualized advising provided by faculty and/or professional advisors is commonly coordinated through UNL's Student Success Hub system.
We're Here to Help!

Marybeth Helmink
Advising & Academic Programs Director
Agricultural Hall 111