World Food Prize

students looking at glass containers outside

World Food Prize Nebraska Youth Institute

Students with world food prize bags in the east union

Nebraska Opportunities

Learn more about how to get involved - including dates for the Nebraska Youth Institute, Global Challenge Paper writing guidelines, and links to register! 

Click Here to Learn More

Earn a $500 CASNR scholarship each year you submit a paper and attend the event!

High School freshmen through seniors are eligible.

Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world.

Dr. Norman E. Borlaug

Students looking at a plant

Participating students are eligible to apply for the $2,000 Maunder-Borlaug Food Security Scholarship toward tuition in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at UNL.

kids in front of a globe

The top high school students from each Youth Institute will be competitively selected as delegates to the Global Youth Institute, held every October in Des Moines, Iowa.

students in a soil lab

Borlaug Ruan International Internship and USDA Wallace-Carver Fellowship opportunities are available for students that have participated in the Nebraska Youth Institute.


Contact Morgan Tranmer

Nebraska Youth Institute State Coordinator ⎮ 402-472-9782


More information can also be found at

Our Sponsors

The Nebraska Youth Institute is made possible with the generous support of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR); the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC); the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR), Bruce and Kathy Maunder with the Maunder-Borlaug scholarship, The Malaika Foundation, the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) and Nebraska FFA.

Nebraska, World Food Prize, and Malaika logos