Transfer Program

Nebraska East Union entrance

Transferring to CASNR offers an outstanding opportunity for students from area community colleges. Students who have started their academic career at one of our partner schools are able to transfer courses based on their degree intent at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, rather than specific course equivalencies. We encourage and facilitate numerous degree-specific transfer programs to best prepare you for today's challenges in the real world. Personal interaction is at the core of this transfer program, with our Coordinator of Advising and Academic Program Enhancement, Marybeth Helmink, working with you on evaluating your transfer credits. In addition, our CASNR advisors engage in joint advising with community college advisors to make sure all students are cared for through the process. Finally, we offer scholarships specifically for the needs of our transfer students. It all means we make it as welcoming as possible for you to transition to CASNR.

Transfer Policies (Catalog) Admissions for Transfer Students

Marybeth Helmink

For information on transferring to CASNR, contact Marybeth Helmink at

Will My Credit Transfer?

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln accepts credit from institutions accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting agency. Credit Evaluation Policies may be found in the bulletin.

The Course Equivalency List shows Nebraska equivalent for courses that have been reviewed. Search by institution and then by course. Not all courses have been evaluated.

Transferology is a free web-based network of transfer credit information that will give fast and accurate course and credit information to current and prospective students and their advisers.

Application Deadlines


Contact Us

If you have further questions about how your courses might transfer, contact Marybeth Helmink,

Transfer Equivalency Information

A to B Programs for Transfer Students

The A to B Program, a joint academic program offered by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) and participating community colleges, allows students to complete the first two years of a degree program at the participating community college and continue their education and study in a degree program leading toward a bachelor of science degree.

The A to B Program provides a basic knowledge plus specialized course work. Students transfer into CASNR with a junior standing.

Depending on the community college, students enrolled in the A to B Program may complete the requirements for an associate of science or associate of applied science degree at the community college, transfer to Nebraska, and work toward a bachelor of science degree.

Below are the participating community colleges. Click on the program to see the requirements for either the associate of science or associate of applied science degree.

Participating Community Colleges


Application Deadlines

  • Spring deposit deadline: December 1
  • Summer/Fall deposit deadline: May 1

If you have further questions about how your courses might transfer, contact Marybeth Helmink,

Transfer Equivalency Information

Steps to Transfer to CASNR

  1. Review the list of materials you'll need before starting your application
  2. Start your application
  3. Pay the application fee
  4. Pay online using credit card
  5. Check (payable to the University of Nebraska). Include the applicant's name in the memo line
Nebraska pillar
Legacy Courtyard seatwall

Next Steps After Applying

Additional materials required before your application is considered complete:

  1. Ask your high school and all post secondary institutions you have attended to send official copies of your transcripts to:

    Office of Admissions
    1410 Q Street
    Lincoln, NE 68588-0417

  2. Submit information needed for participation in the University Honors Program (if applicable)
  3. Military transcript (if applicable)