April 23, 2021 Curriculum Committee Summary of Actions

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Faculty Action [1]

Courses (new, revisions, deletions, ACE certification and recertification)
Unit Title and Number Type of Action Requested Approved CASNR Curriculum Committee Approved CASNR Faculty
ALEC 391 : Special Topics Course change request 4-23-2021 4-30-21
FDST 952 : Professional Food Science Communication New Course Proposal 4-23-2021 4-30-21
SCIL 101H : Science and Decision-making for a Complex World New Course Proposal 4-23-2021 4-30-21
New degree programs, options, specializations, certificates, minors (undergraduate and graduate) [2]
Unit Title and Number Type of Action Requested Approved CASNR Curriculum Committee Approved CASNR Faculty
College core requirements and academic policies, name changes for any credentialed academic program, transfer articulation agreements
Unit Title and Number Type of Action Requested Approved CASNR Curriculum Committee Approved CASNR Faculty
Other action that requires Academic Planning Committee (APC), Board of Regents and/or Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education approval
Unit Title and Number Type of Action Requested Approved CASNR Curriculum Committee Approved CASNR Faculty
Curriculum Committee Approval Only: substitutions/waivers, student appeals, bulletin copy (format, consistency, accuracy, editorial), operating procedures for the curriculum committee
Type of Action Requested Approved CASNR Curriculum Committee

Information Items

tabled items, calendar of meetings and deadlines, changes in membership, program changes in degree program that do not include the college core, ACE assessment reports

  • N/A


  • 1 If you have specific questions or concerns, please visit with your CASNR Curriculum Committee Representative to discuss the specific agenda item.
    • Any unit or group of at least five (5) faculty may challenge a decision of the Committee that requires faculty action by filing a written objection. The unit administrator will coordinate the written response to the Dean by April 30, 2021. Unless the concerns can be resolved with clarification, revision, and/or withdrawal and re-submission, the matter in question will be brought before the full faculty for discussion, debate and vote. If no written objections are properly filed, the action will be considered approved by the College faculty and either implemented or forwarded to the appropriate University Committee(University Curriculum Committee, Graduate Counciland/or Academic Planning Committee) with the faculty recommendation for approval.
  • 2 The CASNR Curriculum Committee serves as the Parent Unit for the following degree programs:
    • B.S. in Applied Science
    • B.S. in Forensic Science
    • B.S. in Integrated, Master of Applied Science, and Doctor of Plant Health