On-Campus and Work-Study Jobs

On-campus and work study positions are wonderful ways to help you explore your interests. We highly encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities! All CASNR departments offer on-campus and work study positions.

On-Campus Jobs

The best place to search for on-campus jobs is in Handshake. The list is updated continuously so please check back from time to time to see what new openings might be posted.

Many on-campus jobs are also filled by word-of-mouth or in-house advertisements and may not appear on our listings, so you should seek out other departments or programs of interest.

Some departments list jobs on their own websites, including:

Contact departments or programs of interest to find out what types of student jobs might be available and how they are advertised.

Work-Study Positions

Work-study positions are available only to UNL students who have been awarded Work-study by UNL Scholarships & Financial Aid. Work-study students may also apply for regular on-campus jobs. The most current listing of work-study jobs can be found through Handshake.

If you need assistance, feel free to drop by a Resume Lab or schedule an appointment with Julie Obermeyer, Marybeth Helmink, or a Peer Career Coach in Student Success Hub such as Julie ObermeyerDarrell King Jr., or Stephanie Osterthun.